Thursday, April 7, 2011

CAUTION! Prevent cancer early with Xamthone Plus ...

Today we will discuss the disease that would make us cringe, it is "Cancer". Cancer is a disease caused by the growth of body tissue cells that are not normal. Cancer cells will grow rapidly, uncontrollably,and will continue to divide, then infiltrate into surrounding tissues (invasive) and continue to spread
through the connective tissue, blood, and the attack vital organs and spinal cord. Often we hear in our society heard a benign tumo and malignant tumor, then what is the difference between the tumors and cancer? In general, the tumor consisted of two types of benign and malignant tumors. Benign tumors only grow and expand, not too dangerous, and did not spread beyond the network. While malignant tumors are cancers that grow rapidly and uncontrolled and damaging other tissue. Then there's how many different types / origin of cancer cells? According to research the type and origin of cancer cells, namely:

1. Carcinoma: This type of cancer that originates from cells lining the surface of the body or surface of the body channels, such as tissues such as skin cells, testis, ovary, mucus glands, melanin cells, breast, cervix, colon, rectum, stomach, pancreas, and esophagus.

2. Lymphoma: The type of cancer that originates from the blood-forming tissues, such as network nodes, lacteal, spleen, various lymph nodes, thymus, and bone marrow. Specific lymphomas include Hodgkin's disease (cancer of lymph nodes and lymph)

3. Leukemia: Cancer of this type do not form a tumor mass, but meet the blood vessels and interfere with normal blood cell function.

4. Sarcoma: The type of cancer which is located on the surface of the supporting tissues of the body such as connective tissue, including cells - cells found in diotot and bone.

5. Gliomas: Cancer nervous system, such as glial cells (supporting tissue) in the central nervous system.

You must be wondering now, what is the cause of the cancer? Cancer does not arise because only one factor, but multifactor interconnected. The factors that allegedly increase the risk of cancer include:

1. Genetic Factors

2. Environmental Factors

Cigarette smoking increases the risk of lung cancer - lung, mouth, larynx (vocal cords), and bladder.
Ultraviolet rays from the sun
Ionizing radiation (which is carcinogenic)
3. Factors Foods containing chemicals


Papilloma virus causes genital warts (genital) presumably is one cause of cervical cancer in women.
Cytomegalovirus causes Kaposi's sarcoma (cancer of the blood vessel system which is characterized by red skin lesions)
Hepatitis B virus can cause liver cancer.
Virus Epstein - Bar (in Africa) causes Burkitt's lymphoma, whereas in China these viruses cause cancer of the nose and throat. This occurs because of environmental and genetic factors.
Retro virus in humans such as the HIV virus causes lymphoma and other blood cancers.

5. Infection

Infection by Clonorchis that cause pancreatic cancer and biliary tract.
Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that may be the cause of gastric cancer, and allegedly this bacterium causes gastric injury and chronic inflammation resulting in increased speed of the cell cycle.
6. Behavioral factors

The behavior in question is smoking and eating foods that contain lots of fat and meat are preserved also drinkers of alcoholic beverages.
Sexual intercourse at the age of early and frequently changing sexual partners.
7. Disruption of hormonal balance

8. Psychological factors, emotional

9. Free radicals

Free radicals are formed as a byproduct of metabolic processes.
Free radicals enter the body in the form of chemical toxins from food, drinks, polluted air, and ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Excessive free radicals produced when we eat too much (have an impact on the metabolic processes) or if we are in a state of excessive stress, whether physical stress, psychological, and biological.

Based on the above explanation, it can be seen that the basis of all the causes of cancer is the disruption of the mitosis / division. So that the cells will divide and differentiated into different cells with cells of origin / her stem cells, followed by the process of metastasis / dissemination. Conventional therapy with chemotherapy, radiation and MTX preparations (Metoterksat) is a therapy which until now carried out in addition to operative therapy. However, his results are still far from the expected and very torturing people with cancer.
According to the NCBI (National Center of Biotehnology Information, USA) in a study published in an international ditelah journal states that the conventional therapy for patients with HCC (hepatocellular Cell Carcinoma) / liver cell carcinoma showed disappointing results, but patients receiving therapy with Garcinone E showed remarkable improvement. As I have explained that Garcinone E is one of the derivatives of Xanthones, which one has the ability Garcinone E which is known to improve the process of cell apoptosis (apoptosis is a programmed cell death) which means Garcinone E Mitosis cell repair process so that cells that are not on place to die / not bermitosis again. Finally I would like to say that it was not the time you thought again about these Xanthones, because it's not like you buy a cat in a sack, it's all the basic theory that I dare to offer you this incredible product.

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