Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Savor STUNNING! ... Herbal Juice from Skin Mangosteen (Xanthones) in XAMthone Plus

Benefits Pericarp and contents
It's just not fair to peel his skin and forget the benefits of mangosteen content that white glow. What are the benefits of the queen of this tropical fruit?
Mangosteen Fruit Very refreshing, sakarosa sugar, dextrose, and levulose. The composition of the fruit are eaten include 79.2 grams per 100 grams of water, 0.5 grams protein, 19.8 grams carbohydrates, 0.3 grams fiber, 11 mg calcium, 17 mg phosphorus, 0.9 mg iron, 14 IU vitamin A, 66 mg vitamin C, vitamin B (thiamine) 0.09 mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.06 mg, and vitamin B5 (niacin), 0.1 mg. Most of the mangosteen fruit is consumed in fresh condition.
Mangosteen Skin (Pericarp)
• Skin mangosteen can be used as natural dyes and raw materials of medicines. This skin contains compounds that include mangostin xanton, mangostenol, mangostinon A, mangostenon B, trapezifolixanthone, tovophyllin B, alfamangostin, beta-mangostin, garcinon B, mangostanol, flavonoid epicatechin, and gartanin.
Xanton compounds produced only by the genus Garcinia.Mangosteen skin abroad has been used as a dietary supplement, antioxidant, and anticancer.
• According to Drs. Berna Elya, a researcher at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, the efficacy xanton not only antioxidants, but also anticancer. Mangosteen skin extract is antiproliferasi to inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition, the extract also was apoptosis, cancer cell destruction.
Xanton able to treat some types of cancer such as liver cancer, digestive system, lungs. Xanton mangosteen also effective in overcoming skin tuberculosis (TB), asthma, leukemia, as well as anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal. Dr disclosed. Berna, in addition to anticancer and antioxidant, is also efficacious to address coronary heart disease and increase endurance, especially for people with HIV / AIDS.
• The results showed, the skin extract of mangosteen have activity against breast cancer cells, liver, and leukemia. Also commonly used as an antihistamine, antiinflammatory, suppress the central nervous system, and lowering high blood pressure.

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