Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pericarp Amazing Mangosteen

An owner of mangosteen garden in Bogor in amazement. What article? There are people who bid manggisnya rind with a high price. "The fruit that much later would I apain?" he said. He wondered why people were eagerly bought up manggisnya skin. After finding out he understood, mangosteen skin turned out great potential as a natural remedy.

When navigate the virtual world, he discovers there are many billboards leather products mangosteen supplement. Promoted skin that mangosteen juice contains antioxidants that high, so potent free radicals and aging, and boost immunity.

Stated also that the magic of this mangosteen juice can lighten the skin around the 70s range of health problems.
Among stroke, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, carpal tunnel syndrome due to pain, reduce high blood sugar levels, relieve psoriasis, as well as a series of other problems.
With all these advantages, no wonder the price of a bottle of mangosteen juice the skin the size of no more than 300 ml can reach 200 thousand dollars. And people who want to be healthy no matter the price is usually high. On the other hand, many people are increasingly attracted to profit from this business mangosteen skin.

Hunted many enthusiasts

They are usually tamper with or explore medicinal plants (herbs) are usually already familiar with and take advantage of mangosteen, especially fruits and leaves, to be processed into natural medicine. However, about the benefits of mangosteen skin, only recently "on the rise". Skin color is purple mangosteen is believed to be rich in powerful antioxidants.

A friend who lives in Germany also said that the country's mangosteen skin properties are discussed. Many people are now busy looking for the results of research and scientific studies of the skin of the mangosteen and then plans to make the skin extracts of the mangosteen that have high sales value.

In the country, a handful of people started doing business or interested in switching professions to be a farmer to try the mangosteen fruit. Same reason, not too concerned about the fruit, but his skin. Moreover, many "enthusiasts" who are ready to buy mangosteen skin.

It has long been known mangosteen skin actually efficacious. Although only rely on testimony or empirical experience, is enough to make mangosteen popular. Nevertheless, among researchers and experts to a natural cure, not just "mere" empirical conclusions about the benefits.

No wonder, in the last 20 years of research and utilization of medicinal plants continues to increase, especially after the events of thalidomide in the years 1950-1960. At least 2,000 babies born in a state of disability, without having the arm or leg.

Once traced, his disability was due to babies during pregnancy, mothers taking thalidomide, which contain the enantiomers as a sedative agent. The drug was otherwise only be obtained by prescription.

New in November 1962, thalidomide withdrawn and the market. Since then the call back to nature in the health sector began digencarkan. In Indonesia, the movement was just beginning to "feel" the last ten years.

All Sections Efficacious

As a country that has abundant biodiversity, Indonesia has a source of endless herbs. One of the medicinal plants, namely mangosteen. Not only delicious eaten as fresh fruit, mangosteen also has a number of capabilities.

In fact, almost all parts of the plant this fruit store properties. Traditionally used as a remedy mangosteen mouth ulcer, hemorrhoids, and wounds due to the ability of anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatories.

One of the exposition of the properties disclosed by Prof. mangosteen fruit. Dr.H.R. Sidik, professor of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Bandung. Explained that the plant named Latin Garcinia mangostana has hardwood shaft. Branches irregular, brown-skinned, and gummy. Bark to treat dysentery, diarrhea, and oral thrush.

To treat dysentery, skin two mangosteen fruit are washed, cut into pieces, and boiled in four cups of water until the volume is half. Mangosteen skin stew that has been chilled and filtered honey may be added. Drink twice a day and see the results of treatment of diseases suffered dysentery.

"Same with the treatment of dysentery, to cure diarrhea, just do the same. However, the volume of water is less, only three glasses," said a member of the National Committee for Development of Plant Drugs Ministry of Health of this.

To treat thrush, which performed the same steps with a healing potion-making procedures diarrhea. Only boiled water distillate is used for gargling mouthwash. Perform three to six times a day.

Inhibition Bacteria

In his presentation, Prof. Sidik also explain the pharmacological aspects of the mangosteen plant obtained from a number of studies. Mangosteen rind known to have antimicrobial power against some types of bacteria.

"The skin of the mangosteen fruit is also antifungal," he said. Antifungal activity of the isolated several xanton (a type of dye on the mangosteen) derived from mangosteen rind and some mangostin derivatives against the fungus Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp. Vasinfectum, Alternaria tenuis, and Drechela oryzae can inhibit the growth of all fungi.

Has also conducted research on xanton activity in the skin of the mangosteen to the growth of Staphylococcus aureus resistant to the antibiotic methicillin. The results showed that one isolate active, alfamangostin, which is one xanton derivate, inhibits the growth of these bacteria with MIC of 1.57 to 12.5 ug / mL.

Anti-inflammatory research from mangosteen rind is done by using mangostin from 40 percent ethanol extract had strong inhibitory activity against histamine release and synthesis of prostaglandin E2 as a mediator of inflammation. Methanol extract of mangosteen rind has the effect of reducing free radicals that are strong.

Ward off cancer

In addition, methanol extracts from mangosteen rind mangostin can inhibit cancer cells and cause apoptosis in breast cancer cells and inhibit the production of reactive oxygen species as free radicals. Based on these studies, the methanol extract mangostin from mangosteen rind have potential as kemopreventif against cancer.

Studies of anticancer activity in six xanton extracted from mangosteen rind in vitro on human leukemia cells showed that all tested xanton inhibit cancer cell growth and induces apoptosis. Strongest effect in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells was performed by alfamangostin.

Looking at the chemical content owned mangosteen, especially the skin, the potential for further research is large, both in the field of pharmacy and other fields. Several facts make mangosteen skin now start to attract many people in many countries.

Most importantly with the discovery of the efficacy of "magic" mangosteen skin, is expected to be found a more effective natural remedy to cure serious diseases that kill, like cancer.

Queen of Tropical Fruits

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a kind of evergreen tree from tropical regions are believed to come from the islands of the archipelago. That is because, many people who believe this one fruit native to Indonesia

physically, mangosteen tree can grow to 7 to 25 meters. The shape is typical with purplish red skin when ripe, although there are also variants that his skin is red.

Mangosteen allied with kokam, kandis acid, and acid gelugur, spice herbs from culinary traditions of India and Sumatra.

This fruit is the best species of the genus Garcinia. Exotic fruit mangosteen including the very popular consumers, both inside and outside the country, because it tastes delicious, beautiful fruit shape, and texture of soft white flesh fruit.

Not surprisingly, mangosteen earned the nickname Queen of Tropical Fruits (queen of tropical fruits).

Original Jambi, Not Malaysia

Horticultural scientists from Indonesia revealed a new fact: that during the mangosteen fruit is better known as the Malaysian fruit is actually a fruit native to Indonesia. Of course this is not the origin claim, as long as this is often done by the neighboring country.

Chairman of the International Horticultural Scientists Society (ISHS), Prof. Dr. Roedhy Poerwanto, MSc, revealed that to date scientific literature or reading materials that circulate around the world mentioning the mangosteen is the fruit of Malaysia. That's because the "elders" mangosteen malaccensis species name, so that estimated from Malacca or Malaysia. In fact, according to Chairman of the Horticultural Society of Indonesia, the species that lowers Hombroinina malaccensis and mangosteen Indonesia has always been numerous in Jambi.

With such evidence, he added, the text books that mention the mangosteen fruit from Malaysia needs to be improved and the future must mention the mangosteen is a fruit from Indonesia.

Roedhy added, Indonesian scientists have presented evidence that mangosteen is a fruit native to Indonesia in an international symposium on tropical fruits and subtropical to-4 in Bogor, West Java, followed by horticultural scientists from around the world, in 2008.

The participants are mostly horticultural scientists that responded positively to the evidence and explanation filed by Indonesia and it is clear that further strengthen the mangosteen fruit is native to Indonesia.

The symposium is followed by horticultural scientists from various countries are held every four years. Year 1996 held in Thailand, then in 2000 in Australia, and 2004 in Brazil.

Benefits Leather and contents

No unfair advantage it was just peeling skin and forget the contents of the mangosteen that white glow. What are the benefits of the queen of this tropical fruit?

Mangosteen Fruit
Very refreshing, sakarosa sugar, dextrose, and levulose. The composition of the fruit are eaten include 79.2 grams per 100 grams of water, 0.5 grams protein, 19.8 grams carbohydrates, 0.3 grams fiber, 11 mg calcium, 17 mg phosphorus, 0.9 mg iron, 14 IU vitamin A, 66 mg vitamin C, vitamin B (thiamine) 0.09 mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.06 mg, and vitamin B5 (niacin), 0.1 mg. Most of the mangosteen fruit is consumed in fresh condition.

Mangosteen Skin
• Skin mangosteen can be used as natural dyes and raw materials of medicines. This skin contains compounds that include mangostin xanton, mangostenol, mangostinon A, mangostenon B, trapezifolixanthone, tovophyllin B, alfamangostin, beta-mangostin, garcinon B, mangostanol, flavonoid epicatechin, and gartanin.

Xanton compounds produced only by the genus Garcinia. Mangosteen skin abroad has been used as a dietary supplement, antioxidant, and anticancer.

• According to Drs. Berna Elya, a researcher at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, the efficacy xanton not only antioxidants, but also anticancer. Mangosteen skin extract is antiproliferasi to inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition, the extract also was apoptosis, cancer cell destruction.

Xanton able to treat some types of cancer such as liver cancer, digestive system, lungs. Xanton mangosteen also effective in overcoming skin tuberculosis (TB), asthma, leukemia, as well as anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal. Dr disclosed. Berna, in addition to anticancer and antioxidant, is also efficacious to address coronary heart disease and increase endurance, especially for people with HIV / AIDS.
• The results showed, the skin extract of mangosteen have activity against breast cancer cells, liver, and leukemia. Also commonly used as an antihistamine, antiinflammatory, suppress the central nervous system, and lowering high blood pressure.

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